Custom tasks are quite useful in SailPoint implementations. Customers brings up lot of different requirements for reporting and certifications which cannot be achieved using default tasks or ootb configurations.
Custom tasks also speeds up the process if the code is written accurately.
In this post I will explain how to build the custom task in SailPoint.
1. First you need to create a task definition with required parameters (jnput and output), which is required for the custom class java method which executes in background.
Sample custom task.xml
< ?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'? >
< !DOCTYPE TaskDefinition PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd" >
< TaskDefinition executor="sailpoint.custom.AbhiA" name="AbhiACustom" progressInterval="5000" progressMode="String" template="true" resultAction="Delete" type="Generic" >
< Description >Run Multiple aggregation< /Description >
< Signature >
< Inputs >
< Argument name="application" required="true" type="Application" >
< Prompt >Search Application< /Prompt >
< /Argument >
< /Inputs>
< Returns>
< Argument name="output" type="String" >
< Prompt >Result< /Prompt >
< /Argument >
< /Returns >
< /Signature >
< /TaskDefinition >
2. Now create you java class to define the method for custom task
3. Execute the task and you are done!!
Custom tasks also speeds up the process if the code is written accurately.
In this post I will explain how to build the custom task in SailPoint.
1. First you need to create a task definition with required parameters (jnput and output), which is required for the custom class java method which executes in background.
Sample custom task.xml
< ?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'? >
< !DOCTYPE TaskDefinition PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd" >
< TaskDefinition executor="sailpoint.custom.AbhiA" name="AbhiACustom" progressInterval="5000" progressMode="String" template="true" resultAction="Delete" type="Generic" >
< Description >Run Multiple aggregation< /Description >
< Signature >
< Inputs >
< Argument name="application" required="true" type="Application" >
< Prompt >Search Application< /Prompt >
< /Argument >
< /Inputs>
< Returns>
< Argument name="output" type="String" >
< Prompt >Result< /Prompt >
< /Argument >
< /Returns >
< /Signature >
< /TaskDefinition >
- < TaskDefinition executor="sailpoint.custom.AbhiA" this defines the name of the class which will be executed to execute the task
- < Argument name="application" required="true" type="Application" > this defines the input parameter of the task. The custom java code AbhiA will take input parameter as "application" variable. The type="Application" will create a drop down for application. Similarly you can have a type text for simple text input.
- < Prompt >Search Application< /Prompt > this defnes the text which will be displayed in UI to the user.
- < Returns > < Argument name="output" type="String" > this defines the output parameter, in the custom task java code all output result will be passed to this output string.
2. Now create you java class to define the method for custom task
import sailpoint.task.AbstractTaskExecutor;
public class AbhiA extends
AbstractTaskExecutor {
public void
execute(SailPointContext ctx, TaskSchedule tshd, TaskResult result,
Attributes args)
throws Exception {
String output = "output";
String appname = (String) args.get("application");
result.setAttribute(output, "Hi
Custom task executed" + appname);
public boolean terminate() {
return false;
- The custom class will extend the AbstractTaskExecutor task and implements the execute method.
- To get the input arguments for the task defined in SailPoint use the following statement args.get("application") where "application" is the name defines in customtask.xml file.
- To redirect the result of your task to the output paramter defined in customtask.xml use the following statemen result.setAttribute(output, "Hi Custom task executed" + appname);
3. Execute the task and you are done!!
im new to sailpoint can you please tell me the java class file where i have to create